Eurofins Technologies Academy
Welcome to the Eurofins Technologies Academy! Our webinars provide you in-depth information about a specific topic not only in the field of rapid methods and diagnostic test kits but also addressing other areas of interest such as contamination prevention in laboratories. During the webinars, our experts give insights into a specific field and answer your questions immediately. Interested to receive information about further webinars? Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss any online events. Want to discover the recorded webinars on this page? Sign in or register, and you have access to all webinars listed hereunder. Contact us if you have any suggestions for further webinar topics.

Animal Species Detection in Various Matrices

GMOQuant Duplex

Testing strategies for Non-GMO Labelling

Lab design and Contamination Prevention

Convenient Result Interpretation with Eurofins Evaluation Sheet Quantitative PCR

Botanical impurities: A Challenge for GMO Testing Laboratories

Convenient Food Pathogen Testing with ELISA