Evaluation sheets for real-time PCR kits
Evaluation sheets for real-time PCR kits

Evaluation sheets for real-time PCR kits

Gold Standard Diagnostics offers specific evaluation sheets for the assessment of qualitative and quantitative real-time PCRs for various product lines. Please contact us to find out if these tools are suitable for your real-time PCR cycler in combination with our kits.

Assay Type Product Line Current Version of the evaluation sheet
Qualitative simplex & multiplex GMOScreen, GMOIdent, SpeciesScreen, SpeciesIdent DNAnimal Screen, DNAnimal Ident V40.02
Qualitative (no macro version) simplex & multiplex GMOScreen, GMOIdent, SpeciesScreen, SpeciesIdent DNAnimal Screen, DNAnimal Ident V40.01
Quantitative simplex GMOQuant V18
Quantitative duplex GMOQuant V13