Product Catalogue 2025 is now available!

About Us
Comprehensive, customized and consistent rapid testing solutions, both for in-house and external testing

Algal Toxins
Proven rapid testing solutions for fresh and marine water toxins

Broad range of allergen rapid test kits and instruments for in-house testing

Animal Species
PCR assays to specifically and sensitively identify different animal traits within many types of food and feed samples including highly processed food

Culture Media
BACGroTM Culture Media, a wide variety of superior dehydrated & prepared culture media products in compliance with global standards

Dairy Industry
Rapid test kits and instruments to ensure food safety throughout the dairy industry value stream – discover your segment’s testing needs and our solutions in the infographics!

DNA Isolation
Whether automated or manual DNA isolation, get the solution that fits your needs best and lay a secure foundation for further testing with our DNA-based applications.

Food and Waterborne Pathogens
Complete pathogen testing workflow from enrichment to confirmation, including media, test kits, automation and software.

Food and Waterborne Pathogens - Microgen
Environmental monitoring and biochemical identification systems.

Rapid quantitative or field-based analysis of glyphosate across a variety of sample matrices

GMO and DNA Isolation
GMO detection, identification and quantification methods

GMO ELISA and on-site LFD Tests
Easy-to-use and cost-efficient rapid GMO tests; on-site results with lateral flow devices and portable reader

Grain Industry
Versatile test kits portfolio for the grain industry

Customized, comprehensive and high-quality bundle of instruments, analytical kits and services to bring real, consistent and tangible value to our customers’ facilities.

Comprehensive portfolio of ELISA test kits, lateral flow devices, immunoaffinity columns and automation

Poultry Industry

Sampling Devices
High quality environmental sampling tools to make microbiology testing easier

Seafood Industry

Veterinary Diagnostics
Broadest range on market of ELISA, ELISA-Microarray, PCR and LFD test kits and instruments for both farm animals and pets

Veterinary Drug Residues
Screen a wide range of matrices with ELISA test kits capable for the detection of even low levels of drug residues

Vitamin Analysis
ELISA kits and immunoaffinity columns (IAC) for the detection and purification of Biotin (Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H), Folic acid (Vitamin B9) and Vitamin B12.

Water Testing
Broad range of ELISA kits to support the need for rapid quantitative analysis of fresh and marine water for various contaminants

Wine Testing
Monitor the quality and safety of wine with rapid methods