Sensitive and rapid Soy Protein testing: exclude false negatives with PowerLine!


We are pleased to announce the next product in our new allergen PowerLine test range: the SENSIStrip Total Soy Protein PowerLine Lateral Flow Device! This test represents a sensitive detection system based on a monoclonal antibody and is particularly capable to detect soy protein residues in food matrices, rinse water and swabs.

Cross-contaminations during production process, and an eventual undeclared addition of soy to many foodstuffs gives particular importance to proper allergen detection. The consumption of not appropriately labelled food, including hidden soy allergens, can lead to severe allergic reactions for soy-allergic persons.

The SENSIStrip PowerLine kits make sure that allergen detection covers efficiently all possible cases. Due to an introduced hook line, false negative interpretation of highly contaminated samples (hook effect) can be excluded. The test takes only a few minutes of preparation and evaluation.

SENSIStrip Total Soy Protein PowerLine Food matrix sensitivity: 2.5 ppm, Swabbing sensitivity: 0.007 µg/cm2, Rinse water sensitivity: 0.33 mg/L

Obtain the most precise result by using automation
Results can be interpreted visually. In addition, a quantitative evaluation (2.5-50 ppm) in combination with our RapidScan ST5 lateral flow reader, is also possible.

Order your kits online with a click
Purchase the kits conveniently online or contact our Customer service for more information!

Learn online
Browse our flyers to know more about the allergen testing portfolio, or check only the SENSIStrip allergen rapid tests! You can also find extensive product information in the annual product catalogue including our broad range of kits and instruments. Visit our YouTube channel for recorded webinars and How to Use? videos.

Get ready for further PowerLine strips!
The SENSIStrip Peanut PowerLine test will be launched towards the end of 2024 – follow us on LinkedIn and be the first to get the news!

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