SENSIStrip Gluten PowerLine

Lateral Flow Device for the Determination of Gluten in Food and as Cleaning Control Monitoring.

Due to an introduced hook line, false negative interpretation of highly contaminated samples (hook effect) can be excluded. Validation experiments have shown that the antibody shows identical behaviour and response against gluten proteins as the R5 antibody.

Watch this webinar for more information about our gluten screening tools: Gluten contamination webinar


The SENSIStrip Gluten PowerLine Lateral Flow Device represents a sensitive detection system based on a monoclonal antibody and is particularly capable to detect gluten residues in food matrices, rinse water and swabs. Gluten extracted sample is given into an incubation vial, and a test strip is placed into it. After only 5 minutes of incubation time, the test can be already evaluated. Due to an introduced hook line, false negative interpretation of highly contaminated samples (hook effect) can be excluded.

Food matrix sensitivity: 4 ppm, Swabbing sensitivity: 1.6 ng µg/cm2, Rinse water sensitivity: 0.04 mg/L

Results can be interpreted visually. In addition, a quantitative evaluation (4-80 ppm) in combination with our RapidScan ST5 lateral flow reader, is also possible.

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