BACGro Violet Red Bile Agar with X-GLN / 500g

BACGroTM Violet Red Bile Agar w. X-GLN (VRBX), when prepared as directed, is intended for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and other coliforms from food and dairy products.

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Violet Red Bile Agar with X-GLN contains peptone to provide vitamins and minerals, as well as a carbon and nitrogen source. Yeast extract promotes bacterial growth by supplying B-complex vitamins. Lactose provides a carbohydrate source. Bile salts and crystal violet aid in the inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria. Neutral red is a pH indicator in which lactose-fermenters will produce red colonies and halos (due to bile precipitation). Sodium chloride conserves osmotic balance. X-glucuronide is a chromogenic substrate for β-glucuronidase. Agar is a solidifying agent.
The presence of β-glucuronidase differentiates most E. coli from other coliforms. The formed E. coli colonies are colored blue.

Kit Specifications
Formulation (per Liter)

Peptone 7.0 g

Yeast Extract 3.0 g

Lactose 10.0 g

Bile Salts No. 3 1.5 g

Sodium Chloride 5.0 g

Neutral Red 0.03 g

Crystal Violet 0.002 g

X-Glucuronide 0.1 g

Agar 15.0 g

Total 41.6 g/L

2-30 °C
Citrobacter, Coliform & E.Coli, Pseudomonas spp.
Product Attachments
  • IFU POW8000 Rev 02 Violet Red Bile Agar with X-GLN (VRBX)

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