The analysis of food and feed for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) differs fundamentally from other analysis parameters. New GMOs are regularly being approved and commercially planted. Often, the genetic constructs of new GMOs vary significantly from those of previously known GMOs, which can have a substantial impact on complex GMO analysis strategies.

That’s why, when it comes to GMO analysis, it is important to have a partner you can rely on for a good overview of the worldwide GMO approval and cultivation situation, with a portfolio of GMO detection kits that is regularly adapted to meet the latest market demands.

Our GMO testing methods are available worldwide to food and feed analysis laboratories, who can benefit from our expertise and broad product portfolio.

Real-Time PCR GMO Detection Kits

In GMO analysis, real-time PCR methods not only allow for qualitative analysis, but also for the quantification of GMO constituents in the sample. Our real-time PCR methods for GMO screening, identification and quantification are adapted to the current and ever-changing market situation.

Gold Standard Diagnostics offers Excel Evaluation sheets for the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative real-time PCRs for the GMO real-time PCR assays. Visit this page to order your copy.

Real-Time PCR Kits
  • GMOScreen: modular system of intelligent screening and multiplex screening kits to clarify whether GMO constituents are present in a sample
  • GMOIdent: kits for precise identification or exclusion of single GMO varieties in soy, maize, rice, sugar beet, cotton, linseed or potato
  • GMOQuant: quantitative methods to identify and to quantitate the GMO content in order to comply with labelling and marketability rules
  • Verification kits: offered for GMOScreen RT 35S/NOS/FMV and GMOQuant kits, with all components required for the EURL recommended verification of the corresponding kit
  • GMO Real-Time PCR Kits
Key benefits
  • Excellent overview of the global GMO approval and cultivation situation
  • Regular adaptation of the detection kits portfolio to market demands
  • All GMO kits can be combined with our kits for DNA isolation, including iMAGO Food for automated DNA isolation

SmartCheck Solution

Time is of the essence in the food and feed industry, and GMO testing laboratories are no exception. The detection of numerous GM events often seems to contradict the fast turn-around-times expected by customers from the food, feed and seed industry. In order to meet these requirements, it is essential for laboratories to have an appropriate set of methods available that they can intelligently combine in order to provide as much information to their customers as possible. Our experts are continually working on our SMARTCheck GMO solutions to adapt them to the current GMO market situation.

Plant Species Identification

In addition to our GMO Screening, Identification and Quantification Kits, we also offer kits specifically for the screening and identification of plant species, which are also relevant for GMO analysis. A positive result from GMO screening can be the result of a combination of different GMOs in the sample or of a botanical impurity in the sample. In order to perform cost-efficient and less time-consuming follow-up analyses, it is often helpful to narrow down the list of possible GMOs in the sample. This can be done by excluding specific plant species.

Go to Plant Species

ELISA Kits and Lateral Flow Tests

We offer an extensive portfolio of GMO testing kits in the form of both ELISA and rapid tests. Accurate and reliable solutions are available for the analysis of key genetically modified crops, such as cotton, soybean, corn and canola.

Key Benefits of ELISA Kits
  • Matching pair of monoclonal antibodies
  • Standardized test procedure
  • Only one washing step during the ELISA test
  • Unmatched sensitivity and specificity for the assayed target
  • Consistent performance within the batch and across batches
  • GMO ELISA Kits
Key Benefits of Lateral Flow Devices
  • Rapid on-site testing
  • Reliable result with no lab equipment
  • Our RapidScan ST5-W lateral flow reader is unique on the market, offering flexibility, multiple target analysis, and compatibility with applications for our allergen, GMO, glyphosate and algal toxins lateral flow tests. This portable instrument is a highly flexible, easy-to-use and accurate imaging platform, which performs well both in laboratories and in field testing environments.
  • GMO Lateral Flow Tests

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