Canine INgezim® PLEX Food Sensitization kit

ELISA-microarray immunoassay designed to simultaneously measure the semi-quantitative level of 22 food allergen-specific IgE in canine serum. The kit is intended to offer veterinarian clinicians a support for designing an elimination diet trial in selected patients to confirm or rule out food allergy.

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The kit is intended for the determination of allergen-specific IgE levels that may have clinical significance in dogs previously diagnosed with canine topical dermatitis. It is exclusively valid for sera from dogs suffering this pathology. The Canine INgezim® PLEX Food Sensitization tests are solid-phase immunoassays in which allergen extracts are deposited in duplicate spots forming a microarray onto microplate wells. The immunoassay is performed in an indirect ELISA-microarray format, in which the allergen-specific IgEs present in a sensitized dog serum will bind to the corresponding allergen spots. The specific allergen-IgE binding is detected by the HRP-conjugated anti-dog IgE antibody. After a second washing step, the binding is developed by a colorimetric peroxidase substrate (TMB) which is converted to an insoluble, coloured product that precipitates specifically onto the allergen-specific IgE reactive spots. The enzyme-substate reaction is stopped by washing with ddH2O to remove TMB substrate. The amount of precipitate is proportional to the level of allergen-specific IgE in the patient sample. The assayed microarrays can be analyzed with our Hailstorm analyzer or by any commercial colorimetric reader compatible with 96-well microplates.
Kit Specifications
allergen-specific IgE levels that may have clinical significance in dogs previously diagnosed with canine topical dermatitis
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