VetLine Toxoplasma 96 tests

Enzymimmunoassay zur qualitativen immunenzymatischen Bestimmung von Antikörpern gegen Toxoplasma gondii in Serumproben von Katzen.

Not available in the US. 


Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, is an intracellular, ubiquitous tissue parasite. The final hosts of the pathogen are domestic cats and other felids. In felids as final hosts, the sexual development, and as in other intermediate hosts, the asexual development of Toxoplasma gondii takes place. Over 200 species of bird and mammals, including humans and farm animals such as pigs, cattle and sheep are known as intermediate hosts worldwide. In intermediate hosts only asexual reproduction of the pathogen by endodyogeny takes place.

The NovaTec VetLine Toxoplasma ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of antibodies against Toxoplasma in veterinary serum. For feline samples the diagnostic sensitivity was > 98 % and the diagnostic specificity was > 98 % (agreement: > 98 %). For canine samples the diagnostic sensitivity was 90,3 % and the diagnostic specificity was 91,2 % (agreement: 90,8 %). For further details, please check the Performance Report. 

Only for veterinary in-vitro diagnostic use.

Prior to ordering, please check if the product can be imported and used in the destination country. Should you need any assistance, please contact us.

Not available in the US. 

Kit Specifications
Product Attachments
  • IFU_VetLine Toxoplasma_TOXVT0460 Gebrauchsinformation engl,dt,es 29102020-TL

  • Performance_VetLine Toxoplasma_TOXVT04600-Performance-29092017-TL
